Thursday, February 28, 2008

Empathise, Never Sympathise

By just saying, ‘I do understand how you feel about this’ or ‘I do apologize for the inconvenience caused to you’ is a clear empathetic way of being involved with customer’s emotional state. Empathy is preferable to sympathy for two reasons:

It would wear you down emotionally if you got involved with each new problem you face every working day.

You need to keep that distance to be effective and to think of various options and solutions.

Donny’s Pizzas
Agent Thank you for calling Donny’s Pizza’s. This is XYZ speaking. Would you like to try our deep crust Pizza, the latest addition to our menu?
Customer Hi XYZ this is Tom here. I had placed an order half an hour ago and it still hasn’t arrived. What’s happened to your instant delivery?
Agent Am sorry Tom. May I have your phone number, please?
Customer Sure, that would 345123.
Agent Thank you Tom. May I place you on hold while I check your order?
Customer Yup but please make that fast.
Agent Thank you for being on hold Tom, I’m sorry but there seems to have been a slight mix-up. The order was on its way to 30, Sherwood Avenue, instead of 34 New woods. I’ve communicated the right address to our delivery person, and it will reach you any moment.
Customer It’s too late now, I’m canceling it!
Agent I do understand your anger, Tom. I can see that you’ve placed a large order and can imagine the inconvenience this has caused you. I sincerely apologize for the mix- up and delay. But if you reconsider- you are entitled to a 50 per cent discount on your bill and a cold can of Coke, compliments of Donny’s Pizzas. Will you reconsider, Tom?
Customer Ummm. Okay. But you guys better buckle up!
Agent Sure, Tom. Thank you for ordering Donnys Pizzas. We hope you enjoy your meal.

Acknowledging and enjoying Compliments

It is not true that the agent gets only negative responses from their customers. Most customers appreciate the agent's efforts if the issue is resolved without too many hiccups. The agent should know how to respond when he is complimented

If the customer says ‘Thank you so much for your assistance’.
Agent – You are welcome. It was my pleasure assisting you.

Cust – You really helped me
Agent – Thank you. I am glad I was able to assist you.

When a customer expresses satisfaction, the agent is encouraged to give even better service next time. It always feels great to be complimented. It makes you feel good about yourself and about the job. The agent should take this feeling into the next call.

If the customer was very co-operative, make it a point to tell him so. The customer also likes to be complimented.

Carry positive reactions into other calls. Share with friends and colleagues. You deserve to reward yourself especially when you have handled an irate call efficiently.

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