Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Characteristics of an Angry/Irate customer

* Shouts
* Insults And threatens
* Makes accusations

Angry customers are a challenge even to the most experienced agent. The task may be very difficult, but it is a great feeling to handle an irate customer succesfully.
To handle an irate customer in the right manner, you need to understand the reason behind the caller’s anger. It may be that
* The service was not up to his expectations or
* Some misunderstanding on the part of the customer or a communication gap

Techniques to deal with an irate customer

* Pacifying – apologize sincerely for the inconvenience caused. This decreases the displeasure the customer has to a great extent – give a general apology.
E.g. I apologize for the inconvenience.
* Understand the root cause of ire – identify the main reason for his anger and make a specific apology for the same.
* Accept responsibility for failure and take steps to avoid recurrence of the same problem.
* Be calm and patient – do not take the customer’s anger personally. The customer is not shouting at you but is simply expressing his anguish over the problem.
* Let customer vent his feelings – do not interrupt a customer when he is venting his emotions. He will feel better after he finishes shouting.
* Keeps commitments – don’t promise anything that you cannot deliver. Keep commitments that you make. Make notes of it so that you don’t forget.
* Always be courteous, even if the customer is wrong in blaming you or the company.

Bad Calls Good Calls
Irate Customer 01.mp3 Irate Customer 01.mp3

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