Friday, January 25, 2008

Characteristics of a passive/neutral customers

It is easy to provide service to a passive customer. They are generally satisfied customers who have a good relationship with the company. They are patient and generally co-operate with the agent. But it would be a mistake to take them for granted. Absence of complaints shouldn’t be taken as an expression of satisfaction. If the agent fails to gauge the dissatisfaction, he might stop calling rather than voicing his resentment.

* Non-committal about the quality of service received
* Patient, co-operative
* They do not complain or demand better service

Techniques to handle passive customers

* Never take their silence as satisfaction
* Treat them with respect as they are your best customers
* Try to establish a rapport with them to strengthen the relationship and business bond
* Ask for feedback periodically since he may not volunteer it himself. This will help to improve your service.

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